1. Traders’ Social Media Adoption and Usage for Business Growth in Post Covid-19
2. Public Perception of Social Media Usage in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19...
3. Social Media and Terrorism in Post Covid-19 Africa: Burdens and Benefits
4. Social Media Shared Video-Clips on Covid-19 and Undergraduates Perception of Health...
5. Global Communications in Covid-19 Pandemic Era: A Theoretical Review of the Anxieties...
6. Social Media Usage in Information Dissemination and Covid-19 Outbreak: A Study of NCDC...
8. Students’ Perception of Utilization of ICT in Teaching and Learning in Post Covid-19 Era in Nigeria
9. Framing of Attacks on Security Personnel and Government Institutions in Post Covid-19 Era in...
10. Awareness, Utilization and Perception of Social Media in E-commerce among Staff and Students of...
11. Indigenous Technology Development and Africa’s Competitiveness
JSN Mobilize comes with both Free and PRO Editions. The FREE edition is included in sample data installation package with function limitation. You only can create 1 mobile template with limited displaying area.
Please click on buttons below to see how JSN Mobilize present a website on mobile devices:
JSN Mobilize helps your website to achieve a better browsing experience by creating an elaborated mobile version for the site. This revolutionary extension guarantees to include a bunch of sophisticated features and enhancement while require minimum technical knowledge from users.
Not only smartphones are supported by JSN Mobilize, the recent innovation – tablets are also covered. Tablet usually has bigger screen and can receive more displaying area than phone. With JSN Mobilize you will have the separate layouts for phone and tablet which surely deliver the better device coverage for website’s mobile version.
JSN Mobilize delivers the future-ready and mobile-friendly experience to your Joomla website by initiatively supporting multiple operation systems. In short explanation, your website should work and be viewed effortlessly on every screen solution horizontally and vertically. Your website will look awesome automatically on these operation systems (OS) below:
Get the most out of JSN Mobilize with the Advanced Image Optimization based on two options including “For the best performance†or “For the best image qualityâ€. Additionally, the CSS/JS minify mechanism allows to compress all files into one single package. By that way, your site load will quickly enough in a limited-bandwidth environment at least 170%. Below is the speed test by akamai.
The Joomla! content management system lets you create webpages of various types using extensions. There are 5 basic types of extensions: components, modules, templates, languages, and plugins. Your website includes the extensions you need to create a basic website in English, but thousands of additional extensions of all types are available. TheJoomla! Extensions Directory is the largest directory of Joomla! extensions.